One of the things I really enjoy doing is taking something
that has great potential yet needs a “face lift” and turning it into something
that looks amazing, new, and fun, such as a piece of furniture, in this instance a kids desk.
My girl has outgrown her small IKEA kids table. She needed
more space, a taller area to work. I had
been looking in stores and on Craigslist and at places like Goodwill and Value
Village (second hand stores) but either it was more than I was willing to pay
or it just wasn’t what I was looking for.
Well with patience I came across this kids desk on
Craigslist. I was so anxious to bring it home and start sanding it down. It was
in good condition structurally, however the top was a chalkboard that did not write
on well and the rest was painted in an off white color with not so pretty door
knobs on it. Blah.
I took my kids and went to Home Depot to pick up a
few paint supplies. While at Home Depot I had Kate pick out new drawer pulls.
As soon as we got home I started on refurbishing this desk. I took the drawers
out, sanded the entire desk down to “rough it up” and did the same with the
drawers. The desk had huge gouges in it, which I filled in with wood glue, waited
for it to dry and sanded it down and painted right over it. I wiped the desk down
to get rid of all the sawdust and started to roll on the coats of white paint.
As I was waiting for the desk to dry I worked on the drawers, laying them out getting
them ready to spray paint.
This project took me about one day to do. Take a look at the
before and after pictures below.
OUCH! Big gouge |
More dings and dents |
During the sanding stage
Now here are the AFTER photos of the kids desk.
Remember the big gouge from the picture above? It is all gone! |
The dents in the middle of the desk have been removed (or filled in)! |
These are rose like drawer knobs that adds just detail to the desk.
So there you have it! My girls refurbished kids desk. What do you think? Colorful, fun? I just love the new, fresh look.
- Susan
Nicely done, Susan! That is super cute!!